Collapsible laundry baskets are convenient, modern style and useful in your household duties on the everyday basis

Collapsible laundry baskets are convenient, modern style and useful in your household duties on the everyday basis

Collapsible laundry baskets are convenient, modern style and useful in your household duties on the everyday basis

Collapsible laundry baskets are convenient, modern style and useful in your household duties on the everyday basis
Collapsible Laundry Basket
The ultimate laundry basket!
The smart way to save space in your home using innovative design, simply stack and sort the baskets according to your organizational needs.
A unique design enables great solution for laundry needs.
Collapsible laundry basket
#: 800-8000
Size: 63 X 42 X 28.7 cm Pack: 8
24,8 x 16,54 x 11,42’’ CBM: 0.097
20F: 58378 CBF: 3.43
40HC: 136216

Cottage Plastic Ltd.
Itzhak Navon 3, level 3, room 327, AfulaTech Building, Afula city, Israel, 1834329
P: +972-4-6402378 F: +972-4-6402692 E: info@cottageplastic.com
All rights reserved to Cottage Plastic Ltd.